Monday, April 11, 2011

- I too love this day -

ihiir ..
when I searched two presents to my beloved brother and my best friend, I was getting the best moment ever ..
I cant believe it, I could meet him ..
it was starting when I ate at Texas and I sat up in the outdoor ..
I saw some students from my far position ..
my first looking, I thought they were from SMK ..
but, when my friend looked clearly, she was thinking if they were from "Paskibra Kota" ..
dag.dig.dug ..

when the clock is being at 05.00 p.m., I persuaded my friend to go home ..
wow ..
I cant believe it, I met him and he called me ..
not only that, we were go home with the same public transportation ..
ahhh, really great !!

it was not finishing on that story ..
at the night, he sent some messages to me ..
but, I hate it, because his message sent lately ..
hikz ..

But, that day is very beautiful
Friday, April 8th 2011
at MOG